Sitemap - 2022 - Churches & their Naughty Bits

Happy New Year!

The Cathedral at Christmas


Health and the medieval church

Virtual Refectory: A Northern Powerhouse

An exciting reveal just for youā€¦

Adventide continues...

Happy Advent!

Virtual Refectory: Death becomes him!

Virtual Refectory: The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost!

Fit for a Kingā€™sā€¦ Knight?

Signed copies of Heaven!

Join my new subscriber chat

Virtual Refectory: All that glisters, Part IV

Popping in with some news and a tasty morselā€¦

Coffee Morning Shot: The Writings on the Wall

Coffee Morning Shot: The Martyrdom of Becket

Virtual Refectory: The Importance of Numbers

Espresso Shot: What would you like to seeā€¦?

Virtual Refectory: The Art of Heaven, Part II

Hear me speakā€¦

Who wants to be a winnerā€¦?

Virtual Refectory: All that glisters, Part III

Virtual Refectory: The Art of Heaven, Part I

Holy Inappropriate Ep 4

Calling my fellow locals (the book tour events continue)ā€¦

Virtual Refectory: All that glisters, Part II

Virtual Refectory: All that glisters, Part I

Still on my travelsā€¦

Virtual Refectory: From Pilgrim Routes to Heaven on Earth

Books and Bootsā€¦

On the road againā€¦

Keeping you postedā€¦

Iā€™m on tourā€¦

3 days of cathedralsā€¦


Coffee Morning shot: Ape-ing around

Virtual Refectory: Let's get down to Gothic!

Coffee Morning: Sacred or profane?

Virtual Refectory: 'Been there, done that'

Coffee Morning short: first review is out!

Virtual Refectory: Let's take a walk on the wild side

Virtual Refectory: Faulty Towers Part III

Coffee Morning: saints and animals

Virtual Refectory: The Monument Makers Part Iv

Coffee Morning: The importance of numerology

Virtual Refectory: The Gilded Cage, Part IV

Coffee Morning shot: Tudors in Yorkshire

Virtual Rectory: Stone can speak

Mea culpa

Virtual Refectory: Ashes to ashes, football to fouling

Virtual Refectory: a shrine, you sayā€¦?

Coffee Morning: a quick Monday morning Hello / Did You Know?


Coffee Morning: a Saturday espresso shot

Coffee Morning: regular vs ruleā€¦

Coffee Morning: Did Jesus buzz?

Virtual Refectory: Power and pilgrims

Virtual Refectory: Monks and Monasteries

Death becomes him and herā€¦

Coffee Morning: Solid foundations and summer reads

Virtual Refectory: Dancing with Death

Coffee Morning: Womenā€™s work..?

Virtual Refectory: In vino veritas

Coffee Morning: From the Old to the New

Coffee Morning: The good olā€™ daysā€¦

Virtual Refectory: Places of Faith & Devotion

Coffee Morning: More Tennis, Vicar?

Holy Inappropriate Ep 3

Left, right, in, out...

Letā€™s have a Q&Aā€¦

Want to attend the first Heaven on Earth event?

Coffee Morning: And then there was light!

Holy Inappropriate Ep 2

Coffee Morning: an espresso shot of building goodness

Virtual Refectory: The Monument Makers Part III

Hear ye, hear ye!

Virtual Refectory: The Gilded Cage, Part III

Want to visit a masterpiece in stoneā€¦?

Coffee Morning: A slice of Paradise

Coffee Morning: Bolton Abbey

Virtual Refectory: Faulty Towers Part II

Virtual Refectory: Churches within Churches

Coffee Morning: The Greatest Historian?

Virtual Refectory: The Monument Makers Part II

Virtual Refectory: Seeing is not aways Believing

Coffee Morning: Making ā€œsenseā€ā€™of it allā€¦

Virtual Refectory: The Gilded Cage, Part II

Coffee Morning: Forgive me, Father...

Virtual Refectory: A truly egg-celent post

Call to you allā€¦

Coffee Morning: Pevsner ain't always it!


Virtual Refectory: A trip through Holy Week

Virtual Refectory: Faulty Towers

Virtual Refectory: The Monument Makers

Question: Pilgrim Routes

Virtual Refectory: The Gilded Cage

GIVEAWAY! April Fools!

Virtual Refectory: Barking Mad?

What do you fancy: Mermaids, cats, mice...?

Coffee Morning: Quirky Listicle-ness

Virtual Refectory: Safe as...churches?

History for Ukraine!

Coffee Morning: It's hammer time!

Coffee Morning: For the love of animalsā€¦

A little extra reading...

Holy Inappropriate/Virtual Refectory: Fit for a boy kingā€¦?

Iā€™m knee-deep in proofsā€¦

I need your input, pleaseā€¦

Virtual Refectory: Bedlam, Bravado and Blunder!

Virtual Refectory: Easter abstinence and male exhibitionists

Wanna be in my gang?

Where shall I wander next?

Coffee Morning: The Gods ofā€¦ Fashion? Anna Wintour meets the Pope

Holy Inappropriate Ep 1

The shape of things to come...

It's Churches & their Naughty Bits!