Gosh, such a long time ago and so many books since. I started with cathedrals so I think that my first book was probably Alec Clifton-Taylor's 'The cathedrals of England'. Many Scala cathedral guides later. Betjeman, Mee and Pevsner county series. Pounds' 'A History of the English Parish' plus Richard Marks earlier tome 'Churches in the Landscape'. Perhaps my overall leader is Duffy's 'Stripping the Altars' companioned by his the Voices of Morebath'. Then again...LOL.

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Michael Sadgrove "Landscapes of Faith" my favourite for the North East. I like "Betjeman's Best British Churches" too, Ihave the new edition dated 2011. There was an app for this as well, but it died about 3 years ago, which was a shame (easier than carting the book!).

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I’m very lucky with where I live with 2 cathedrals and an Abbey (now I think the largest Parish Church in the country ) on my doorstep. Like many my library is varied, but my go to books, and the first on cathedral’s are the Handbooks to the Cathedrals of England, I picked up the fist volume in Gilberts book shop (Southampton) in about 1983, having saved my pocket money. Since the have found the others in the set. They predate Pevsner buy quite a few years, and are in a number of volumes covering the UK.

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As something of a novice church crawler, hoping to read in the comments about a good basic primer--preferably with lots of photos and illustrations!

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One of the best books that I have read is 'Historic English Churches - A Guide to their Construction, Design and Features' by Geoffrey R Sharpe. Necessarily generic, hugely informative and well illustrated. It's still in print and published by I.B.Taurus.

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Many thanks! Will look into this right now.

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Cathedral pamphlet-style buy at the door booklet that gives intricate details of figures in stained glass windows , by P Demouy ! Happy Easter 🐣 Emma

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